America The Exceptional

America upon Reflection

“Really now, in the last 40 years, whose standards have changed more-those of the Church or those of society? Who is looking like whom? … We have not changed the world, the world has changed us.”
I want everyone to step back for a moment, away from all of the partisan banter, and reflect on the actual condition (morally, spiritually, economically, politically, etc.) of our nation. Those on the Right believe that liberals are a bunch of "hate America firsters" while those on the Left believe that conservatives are a bunch of “hear no evil, see no evil” puppets of the State. It is as easy as it is unfortunate to figure what a persons assessment of our Union might be based solely upon party affiliation and who happens to be in power at the time of the asking. See, in one regard they are both right, and yet in another they are both wrong.
Both the Right and the Left despise America (at least the State and its policies) when the other is in power just as much as they love America (with a blindness only a mother could understand) when the others are out of it. When the State was controlled by Democrats all the lefties were in rejoicing. The Right during that time thought that it was the worst condition our State had been through in American history! Then Bush entered into office and the Right was ecstatic. Since he has been in office the conservative base has been all but worshipping the RNC. It would seem that nothing Mr. Bush does is wrong to them. All the while the Democrats are bemoaning every single thing that Bush has ever done.
So it would seem that both the Left and the Right are “hate America firsters” depending on which party is wielding power (most specifically, which is a true sign or symptom of Imperial Statism, the Executive Office). In the same measure, both the Left and the Right are shouting “America the Exceptional” when their Party is in office. This is partisan politics and merely a play at psychological self-deception when excluding oneself (at least the vast majority on both sides of the isle) from such a judgment.
So let us, as Bible believing Paleocrats, look at the state of our Union. Let us take a peek into the ills that we are riddled with. Let us look at the plank in our eye so that we can more accurately understand what we have to work on in pursuit of self-betterment. Once we realize the condition we are in the sooner we may be able to remedy the problem.
Here are some statistics that will help us make a sound judgment regarding our present condition. Some of the facts and numbers are hard to handle. (Trust me, I have preached on them to kids in youth group.)
Since 1960 the….
1. Divorce Rate has Doubled
2. Suicide Rate has Tripled
3. Reported Violent Crimes have quadrupled
4. Prison Population has quadrupled
5. Percent of babies born to unmarried parents has sextupled
6. Cohabitation (or live-ins) has increased sevenfold
Rates and Percentages, many in relation to the entire industrialized world
2. The highest abortion rate in the industrialized world
3. The highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in the industrialized world.
4. The highest teenage birthrate in the entire industrialized world.
5. The highest rate of teenage drug use in the industrialized world.
6. 21% of American 9 year olds watch five hours or more of television daily. This is the highest in the industrialized world.
7. At present, the out-of-wedlock birthrate amongst Blacks is near 68%. They also have the second highest rate of HIV/AIDS right behind homosexuals.
8. Across American racial divides the out-of-wedlock birthrate is 1 out of 3.
9. Within the last few years out of the approximately 65,000,000 kids age 17 and younger, almost 28,000,000 (43%) spent time in a single-parent family. About 8.25 million were born out of wedlock, about 16,700,000 experienced the divorce of their parents, and additional 3,000,000 or so children were born out of wedlock AND experienced a divorce of their parents.
10. Among women born between 1971 and 1975, 2% were married to their partner at the time of their first sexual intercourse. That is one out of every 50 girls that make it abstinent until marriage.
11. In 1997 (not that long ago), roughly 3,000,000 teenagers, about one in four who are sexually active, acquired a sexually transmitted disease. Recent studies show that this number has increased.
12. 76% of all births to teenagers occur outside of marriage.
13. In 15 of our nation’s largest cities in 1995, the teen out of wedlock birth ratio was a huge 90%! In Pittsburgh and Baltimore it was 96.5%!
14. 4,000 babies are reported as being aborted every 24 hours.
15. 1,500,000 to 1,800,000 babies are reported to have been murdered by abortion procedures annually in our nation.
16. A 1997 survey conducted by George Barna used 152 different items to compare the Church and the world. He found virtually no difference between the two!
I am choosing to stop the list here although I could talk about the lives taken around the world through interventionism, the immorality of taxation (unbiblical taxation), Darwinist propaganda in public schools, the sex (pervert) education in public schools, public school education in general (in math achievement American public school students ranked 19th out of 21 nations), cases such as Terri Schiavo and the Philadelphia protesters (arrested and facing many years in prison for bringing the gospel to the streets of Philadelphia during a gay pride festival), as well as the gay revolution and the AIDS curse. The list could go on and on!
As I stated before, there is no question that America has done and continues to do good at home and abroad. But we must remember that the good we have done does not permit us to turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the atrocities committed by America at home and abroad. We, especially as Christians, must begin to take America by the horns and demand change. It is our responsibility as God’s reforming agent to confront the world and declare Christ as King, requiring that every area of life submit to his Lordship. For he alone can perform the surgery America so desperately needs in order to truly become “America the Exceptional.”
*You can access many of these figures in Michael Brown’s book entitled, “Revolution: The Call to Holy War.” You can also check out “Faith Commitment” by Barna Research Online at *
Labels: abortion, America, Christians, culture, Jeremiah Bannister, Paleocrat, party politics, politics, teen pregnancy